The Plains of Mississippi--Natchez Trace 

The Plains of Mississippi--Natchez Trace


The Library

The following is a collection of resources that we have discovered through the years.  Each of these submissions contain some nugget of life knowledge, inspiration, or wisdom.  Some of them may seem controversial or may not connect with everyone, but that is okay.  These sorts of things provoke thought and discussion which is how our world expands and we grow into better versions of ourselves.  Integrity, vulnerability, and open mindedness are the keys.  Obviously, the collection is not comprehensive and is ever growing, so please feel free to add to the collection by reaching out to us by email at  

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Daring Greatly--Brene Brown

Good to Great--Jim Collins

How Lance Does It--Brad Kearns

Leading with the Heart--Mike Kryzewski

Let My People Go Surfing--Yvonne Chouinard

Man's Search for Meaning--Viktor Frankel

Raising the Bar--Gary Erickson & Lois Lorentzen

The 4-Hour Work Week--Timothy Ferris

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People--Stephen Covey

The 80/20 Principle--Richard Koch

The Alchemist---Paulo Coelho

The Anatomy of Hope--Dr. Jerome Groopman

The Art of Happiness--Dalai Lama

The Fifth Agreement---Don Miguel Ruiz, Don Jose Ruiz & Janet Mills

The Five Love Languages--Dr. Gary Chapman

The Magic of Thinking Big--David Schwartz

The River Why--James Duncan

The Seat of the Soul--Gary Zukav

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work--John Gotten & Nan Silver

The Simple Path to Wealth--JL Collins

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*uck--Mark Manson

Think and Grow Rich--Napoleon Hill

Thinking Body, Dancing Mind--Chungliang Al Huang

Tuesdays with Morrie--Mitch Albom

What Would You Do If You Had No Fear?--Diane Conway

When Things Fall Apart--Pema Chodron




Finding Mastery:  Conversations with Michael Gervais

The Dirtbag Diaries

The School of Greatness--Lewis Howes

The Tim Ferris Show--Tim Ferris

So Money--Farnoosh Torabi